My name is Brandon Silverstein, and I was on the men's 4.5/4.0/3.5 tri-level tennis team that represented the Southwest section at nationals in San Diego. We did awful and didn't win a single team match, but the experience was still fun and unforgettable!
Qualifying for nationals was a huge accomplishment that I'll always be proud of. I wanted to commemorate our team's special season by creating something unique. I designed a beautiful, custom poster to give to each of my teammates featuring all our names, so we could always remember the bond we shared as a team that made it to nationals.
My teammates loved the posters, and I figured if they loved them, other teams would love them too. Bagel Bodega makes commemorative, custom-designed posters celebrating your elite recreational tennis team.
Thanks for visiting! ❤️ 🎾
Me Looking Very Serious Playing Tennis